Jessie is a client at Still Water’s Pantry in Simi Valley. 

I live with my husband and we also have one of our older granddaughters living with us, along with her son and her daughter. My husband is a massage therapist and I’m a manicurist so work has been off and on. We had to figure things out. How to, you know, pay Peter without robbing Paul.

When I started coming to the pantry I was just excited. I would get back home with my food and would say to my granddaughter, look what we got! Nutrition is very important to us. And especially my granddaughter with her little ones, you know, trying to train them up to take better care of their bodies by eating proper foods. The kids love strawberries, they love grapes, they love tomatoes, they love cucumbers.That’s one of the great things about my great grandchildren. They like vegetables! 

I tell people, just come, you’ll see how it will help you and your family. Because the cost of food and gas now, it’s up there. Being a part of the Food Share program allows us to be able to receive the items that we do, and take our funds and focus on other critical bills that need to be paid. It helps out a great deal financially.

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