Hunger in Ventura County

1 in 4 people in Ventura County is struggling with food insecurity.

Because No One Should Go Hungry.

1 in 4 people in Ventura County lives in a household that experiences food insecurity. These are your friends and neighbors. The majority of people we serve are working, often more than one job; families and seniors struggling to make ends meet on tight budgets. But concerns about job security and the dramatically increased cost of living affect everyone no matter their race, age group, or gender. It’s a challenge shared community-wide, at every kitchen table.

We distribute food through more than 160 pantry partners located across Ventura County, providing quality sources of nutrition, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, and protein that help promote good health and a balanced diet.

What is Food Insecurity?

Food insecurity means not having reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food. According to the latest data from the USDA, there are 34 million people across the U.S. who are food insecure including 5 million children. Statistically, as poverty increases and home ownership decreases, food insecurity increases.

Often, it’s not obvious when someone is going hungry. With 252,000 people in 2024 seeking our help, the face of hunger may not be exactly who you expect. 

Food Insecurity in Your Neighborhood.

Food Share is serving three times the number of people it was pre-pandemic. Most are low-income working families, living paycheck to paycheck, and seniors existing on a small fixed income, who are being pushed to the financial brink by escalating food, fuel and housing prices. The latest figure (total served for 2024) is 261,713 individuals seeking assistance via our network of pantry partners, plus people attending emergency drive-thru distributions, programs like Community Markets, and farm-workers receiving food at field distributions.

See How Hunger Impacts Your Local Community

2023 Hunger Relief in Ventura County

Households Have to Make Sacrifices:

69% had to choose between food and utilities

66% had to choose between food and medical care

31% had to choose between food and education

Healthcare Takes a Hit in Households with Food Insecurity:

Members of Food Insecure Households are Our Neighbors, Family and Friends:

41% have a member with a post high school education

1 in 10 adults is currently in school

20% have a member who has served in the US Military


Put food on the table for a family in need
$10 = 30 MEALS
