Diaper Bank Locations

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  • Enter your SEARCH LOCATION
  • Select a food DISTRIBUTION TYPE from the dropdown list (see Food TYPE key)
  • Select DISTANCE to see food sources within 1-30 miles of your location
  • Select OPEN to see where you can find food right now
  • Select ALL to see all options for food in your area

All food received from Food Share by its partner agencies must be distributed WITHOUT CHARGE, and may not be sold, bartered, exchanged for other goods or services, or utilized outside of the country. If you observe any activity suggesting otherwise, please advise the Agency Relations Manager at (805) 983-7100 ext. 134.

Food Distribution Type

DRIVE-THRU: Obtain food without leaving your car 
HOT MEALS: Prepared hot meal sites 
SENIOR KITS: Food for seniors registered with the Commodity Supplemental Food Program
FOOD PANTRY: Community pantry sites for anyone experiencing food insecurity 


Put food on the table for a family in need
$10 = 30 MEALS
