There are lots of ways to obtain FREE food. Find the help you need, when and where you need it.
There are lots of ways to obtain FREE food. Find the help you need, when and where you need it.
Food Share partners with more than 160 community-based organizations to provide free food in locations across the county. Enter you zip code and select OPEN NOW or ALL to see the options near you.
Food Share supplies free food to weekly walk-up and drive-thru emergency food box distributions. Boxes contain basic pantry items and, when supplies permit, are supplemented with fresh produce, and dairy items.
School’s out for Summer but that can mean less food for kids. Check out the locations offering free Summer meal and grab-n-go food options. Restrictions apply.
Are you a senior in need of food, or know someone who is? Food Share’s Senior Food Box program works to improve the health of low-income seniors by providing free, nutritious, shelf-stable food packages to income-eligible seniors aged 60 and over every month.
In collaboration with the CA Association of Food Banks, Food Share provides fresh and healthy produce to your community! Find the location closest to you to pick-up free, fresh and healthy produce.
Need other kinds of assistance? Check out these links for more resources.